Expert Insights

VES-Artex Unpacked: THI in Dairy Cows

VES-Artex Unpacked: THI in Dairy Cows

The dairy industry is rife with acronyms, slang and shorthand, and in our world of ventilation and bovine environmental products, one of those that reigns supreme is THI in dairy cows, or Temperature Humidity Index. ...
Leveraging Dairy Data as a Tool, Not a Time Suck

Leveraging Dairy Data as a Tool, Not a Time Suck

Ryan Pearcy, Turntide’s director of product marketing for sustainable agriculture joined VES-Artex to share insights on integrating and optimizing data streams to help drive animal-centered environments on dairies using connected technologies.
The Value of Being Cool

The Value of Being Cool

Summer is just around the corner. That means rising temperatures, increased THI potential and more opportunity for the risk of heat stress to creep into your dairy’s operation.
The Effect of Heat Stress on Dairy Calves

The Effect of Heat Stress on Dairy Calves

The way we look at dairy calves has been less of a priority, but it shouldn’t be. While research in this area is less robust than on mature dairy cattle, we know that heat stress ...
Exploring the Benefits of Pairing Calves

Exploring the Benefits of Pairing Calves

There are a few things we all know are better together: macaroni and cheese, milk and cookies, ice cream and sprinkles. But there’s another dairy-related pair that needs to be top of mind when it ...
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