Our Solutions


Introducing water in the form of high pressure fogging, feed lane soaking, or holding area soaking is the most effective way to cool cows when combined with supplemental airflow from fans.

About Cooling

Effective cooling reduces heat stress. Experts estimate heat stress causes $5 – $6 billion USD yearly in lost milk production and decreased animal performance in the U.S. alone.

VES-Artex Cooling Solutions Video Placeholder
High Pressure Fogging (HPF)

High-Pressure Fogging

High-pressure fogging systems provide added cow cooling when ventilation alone is not enough. Combining micron-sized droplets with high-air velocity cools the air which is being directed to the cows.


A vital tool in the battle of heat stress, VES-Artex soaker lines are designed to provide additional cooling in barns and parlors. Our soaker lines use low-pressure and expel large water droplets which allows water to penetrate a cow’s hair and drench her back. Soakers are a key component to prioritizing cow comfort.
Feedlane Soaking

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